Good Practices from HELMo
HELMo Virtual Laboratory Project:
The “virtual laboratory” (LV) is a research project of the Medical Biology section (paramedical category) of the Haute Ecole HELMo funded by the HELMo call for projects, since September 2015.
The aim of the virtual laboratory is to prepare students in the Medical Biology section for their entry into the professional world, whether as part of internships or their first job. On this virtual platform, students have access to information presented in different forms: videos, audio files, photos, etc. Students will be able to develop their skills by carrying out tasks that complement their practical work and lectures, and assess the acquisition of these skills through exercises and formative or certificate tests.

Students will find all the knowledge and skills they need to master before starting their clinical placements on a single interactive platform. This tool creates a bridge between academic learning and the real world.
In the very near future, the LV will undergo a major update in terms of website design and educational content to keep pace with developments in ICT in this field.